Well, we are in a new year. 2012. Holy smokes, and today marks the new lunar year or the dragon! This year is a black or water dragon which I am sure will keep things spicy!
The holiday season is now over with and I am desperately looking forward to a productive year. New Years resolutions include even more studio time, experimentation with media and message, a deeper study of language and history, and of course that all important balance between body and spirit. All of this can only happen with the most important of all resolutions... better time management. I find myself increasingly consumed by online diversions and I'd love to replace that with more physical interaction, combined with a successful daily schedule. *sigh* This is a very tough goal!
Ok, I think I am being uncomfortably preachy! I extend the best New Year's wishes for everyone, and the best of health and happiness!
Here are some sneak peeks of a new book coming out this May! Alex and The Amazing Time Machine was an enjoyable project, being able to use my inks. It will be a very fun spring!